Photo by: Loba


Further to our last correspondence (July 8th) which set out the concerns of your Executive and Board with the Township’s proposal to reduce the minimum size of Waterfront Back Lots, we have received numerous comments from the membership who have also forwarded correspondence to the Township Clerk (Carrie Sykes at: [email protected]).

CLICK HERE to read the July 8th correspondence to members re LOBA’s opposition to a reduction in minimum size of Waterfront Back Lots from 10 acres to 7 acres.

The comments we have received have endorsed the concerns of the LOBA Executive and Board. No responses from the general membership have indicated contrarian views.

Since that time however we have received a justification statement for the proposed reduction in required Waterfront Back Lot size from the Township Planner (Stefan Szczerbak) and he has authorized our circulation of his comments to the general membership.

CLICK HERE to read the Township’s response to LOBA concerns about reducing the minimum size for Waterfront Back Lots from 10 acres to 7 acres.

While the LOBA Executive and Board is appreciative of a response to our concerns, in our opinion the stated explanations do not address our main concerns as stated above in our earlier communication. Most significantly, there is no clearly stated reason for the proposed change and no supporting fulsome planning analysis that fully explores potential impacts and costs and benefits especially from an environmental and lake character perspective.

Accordingly, the views of the Executive and Board are unchanged.

However, if upon YOUR review of the above noted explanation your concerns are now fully addressed and you no longer have an issue with the Waterfront Back Lot proposal please notify LOBA ([email protected]) and the Township Clerk ([email protected]) as per the above noted email addresses.

As well, if you have not previously responded to our original circulation and you SUPPORT the Township’s proposed reduction in Waterfront Back Lot sizes please take the opportunity to notify both LOBA and the Township Clerk of your concurrence with the Township proposal as per the above noted email addresses.

Similarly, if you are OPPOSED to the reduction of Waterfront Back Lot size and you have not yet communicated your concerns to both LOBA ([email protected]) and the Township Clerk (csykes@lakeof you may wish to take this last opportunity to notify us through an independently crafted letter or by using the previously issued FORM LETTER.

The statutory PUBLIC MEETING on this issue will be held on Wed. August 26 at the Municipal offices in Dwight at 19:00 hours (7:00 pm).
CLICK HERE for a link to the notice of meeting.

CLICK HERE for a link to the Draft Amendments to the Official Plan. Scroll down to VERSION 2 – July 2015.

If you have concerns you wish to express you should attend that meeting if you are at all able to do so. Your Board will make a presentation at that meeting reflecting our opinion and those opinions that have been communicated to us from our members, but clearly your own comments will be of great significance to the elected representatives.
Our understanding at this time is that there is presently considerable political support for the proposed Waterfront Back Lot size reduction initiative, so if you want your voice heard on either side of the issue you should take every opportunity to communicate your views to LOBA and the Township.

At this point, LOBA is reasonably satisfied with most of the other proposed changes to the Official Plan and commend the Township and its employees for the work they have done.