Photo by: Susan Johnson
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Electricity Pricing: Distribution Rate Changes for Seasonal Customers Hydro One customers will have received their 2016 bills that reflect the change to “all-fixed” distribution rates, with an eight-year phase in starting January 2016. For seasonal customers, this will change the monthly amount of the distribution Charge each year from 2017 to 2023 as follows: Usage:…
How To Best Use The Dorset Health Hub The Dorset Health Hub looks forward to welcoming our summer guests and is getting ready for its first summer. We are expecting to see an increase in use of the hub over the summer months. We want to insure that we provide the right information in a…
Hydro One will be undertaking line clearing, annual maintenance and upgrades to more than 1,000 kilometres of lines in Muskoka and Parry Sound. Minimal disruption of service to customers anticipated. HYDRO ONE MEDIA RELEASE April 7 2016
Volunteers, coordinated by the LOBA Environment Committee, collected samples for analysis of total phosphorus concentrations on five occasions during the summer of 2015 (June 28, July 20, August 4 and 23, and September 4). Total phosphorus concentrations were well below applicable provincial guidelines indicating excellent water quality and were generally lower in 2015 in comparison…
MNRF Work Permit Required for ALL Structures Over the Water Greater than 161 sq.ft. Due to a recent court decision the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry (MNRF) now requires the submission of an application and issuance of a MNRF work permit for ALL docks, boathouse, boat ports and any structure over the water greater…