Photo by: Janine Geddes

Reports & More

Water Quality Monitoring Reports

2023 Water Quality report
2022 Water Quality report
2021 Water Quality report
2019 Water Quality report
Download the 2018 report
Download the 2017 report
Download the 2016 report
Download the 2015 report
Download the 2014 report
Download the 2013 report
Download the 2012 report
Download the 2011 report
Download the 2010 report
Download the 2009 report
Download the 2007/08 report
Download the 2006 report
Download the 2005 report
Download the 2004 report
Download the 2002 report
Download the 2001 report

History of the LOBA Water Quality Program

Watching our Water” –  2018 Lake of Bays Association Yearbook

Integrated Watershed Management

Integrated Watershed Management – What is it and why do we need it? – presentation by Kevin Trimble at the 2024 LOBA Town Hall meeting
The Case for Integrated Watershed Management in Muskoka (2020)
The Evolution of Water Management in the Muskoka River Watershed (2020)
Watershed governance: A selection of case studies for informing integrated watershed management in the Muskoka River Watershed (2023)

2017 LOBA Shoreline Naturalization Grants

Open the report

2013 Lake of Bays Association Frog Watch Report

Download the report by Caroline Konarzewski

Best Practices for Lakeside Living

Managing your household on the waterfront requires some septic smarts and garbage savvy. The Coalition of Haliburton Property Owners’ Associations have produced posters with tips for the kitchen, bathroom, laundry and garbage to promote BEST PRACTICES for LAKESIDE LIVING.
Download the posters

Beech Bark Disease

1. A primer on Beech Bark Disease and management recommendations from the Ontario Forest Research Institute, MNR, by John McLaughlin & Sylvia Greifenhagen
2. Beech Bark Disease: Toronto Parks, Forestry & Recreation – Urban Forestry Branch

Wildlife Harassment and Abuse

Steps to take if you witness any sort of abuse or harassment of wildlife in your area.

MNR fact sheet Lake of Bays 2012

Download the facts and figures for Lake of Bays

Report on the 2012 Muskoka Summit on Biodiversity

Four members of the Lake of Bays Association attended the Muskoka Summit on Biodiversity on June 6 and 7th in Bracebridge. Deb Cumming, LoBA’s Environment Committee Chair, posts this important and vital summary of that event.
Download her report

Report Bear Problems

TO REPORT BEAR PROBLEMS: contact the Bear Reporting Line at:
1-866-514-2327  (TTY) 705 945-7641
In a life-threatening emergency, call your local police or 911
MNR Bear Wise webpage

The greening of Dwight Beach, 2011

Download the article
2016 Project update

Stewards’ Guide Series: Restore Your Shoreline
in Parry Sound – Muskoka

Download the brochure

Stewards’ Guide Series: Living with Beaver
in Parry Sound – Muskoka

Download the brochure

Stewards’ Guide Series: Species at Risk
in Parry Sound – Muskoka

Download the brochure

Asian Carp set to Invade Great Lakes

The Asian Carp are invasive fish that are harming the environment and economies of the Mississippi, and threaten to do the same to the Great Lakes. As Great Lakes fishing declines, sport fishermen will move north, putting pressure on the fish populations in cottage country. This is everyone’s problem. . . .[read more] . . . and see this website for  [additional info]

Chemical spill near Rabbit Bay receives
swift response from authorities

In late September 2010 there was a chemical spill associated with the highway improvement work on Hwy. 35, resulting in toxins being released into the creek that feeds into Lake of Bays at the Rabbit Bay landing. Aecon has the contract for the roadwork but one of its subs was actually responsible for the spill. [read more]

Update on the District’s Long Range Solid Waste Management Plan – April 2006

The study team worked away for well over a year, evaluating the various options available to meet the District’s solid waste disposal needs. The short list of alternatives was reduced to expansion of an existing facility as the preferred option.
Download the full report