Photo by: Loba

Official Plan LOBA Submission

A year ago, Lake of Bays Township began the process of reviewing their Official Plan, which is the key policy direction document for planning and land use in the township. Tunnock Consulting researched and completed a Draft Official Plan Amendment which was presented to the public at an Open House on March 10th, 2015. Having reviewed the draft document, LOBA’s Planning Committee presented feedback at the Open House and submitted our comments for consideration.

Further investigation and reflection upon the Open House proceedings resulted in LOBA ‘s Planning Committee developed a follow-up submission to the township with recommendations for drafting amendments to the proposed Official Plan. These recommendations were carefully considered in light of our mission as a responsible lake association and approved by our Board of Directors. This submission is posted on LOBA’s website at


On April 21st Township’s Council began discussion and debate on the proposed draft and comments received from the public. Further modifications will take place as Council approves specific directives for revisions and these will then be presented at a statutory public meeting where the public will have another opportunity to submit formal comments for consideration. LOBA has requested to have this statutory public meeting take place when cottage residents will be more likely to attend. Council will determine when the O. P. is ready to be adopted and sent to the District of Muskoka for approval.

LOBA Planning Committee: Barry Morrison, Brian Simpson, Ian Beverley