The LOBA Elections Team asked the candidates a Slate of Questions based on our priorities
The Lake of Bays Association does not endorse candidates. Our mandate is to inform our members about who is running and what each candidate’s position is on issues that are important to our members–then YOU DECIDE who best represents your interests.
Each candidate was sent a Slate of Questions based on our Election Priorities:
- Action against climate change
- District-wide integrated watershed management
- Sustaining healthy water quality
- Shoreline environment protection
- Consistent application of the Official Plan and by-laws
- Effective by-law enforcement,
- Minimal tree clearing and blasting
- Good municipal services with a responsible budget
- A year-round economy, high-speed internet, and affordable community housing
In the Township of Lake of Bays, we have an unusual situation in that all seven of the incumbents are running for re-election and five of those seats are uncontested. There are two candidates running for Mayor and three candidates running for the District Franklin/Sinclair seat. Regardless, we asked the acclaimed candidates to answer our questions so that our members can become more familiar with their councillors.
For the 150 or so Lake of Bays properties that are within the Town of Huntsville, we asked the four candidates for Mayor and three candidates vying for the Brunel ward seat to answer our questions.
Please take time to read your candidates responses below.
PLEASE NOTE: All responses are reprinted exactly as submitted, which may include spelling and grammatical errors.
Township of Lake of Bays
Mayor – Terry Glover, Linda Thompson
District Councillor, Franklin/Sinclair – Charles Cooper, Martin Mann, Mike Peppard
District Councillor, Ridout/McLean – Robert LaCroix
Ward Councillor, Franklin – Nancy Tapley
Ward Councillor, McLean – Jacqueline Godard
Ward Councillor, Ridout – George Anderson
Ward Councillor, Sinclair – Rick Brooks
Town of Huntsville
Mayor – Nancy Alcock, Steve Hernen, Reuben Pyette-Bouillon, Tim Withey
Ward Councillor, Brunel – David Caplan, Monty Clouthier, Ken Inglis