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July 19, 2024

Lake of Bays Association

Propane Program


Since 2017 LOBA has offered and coordinated a propane buying group program that helps members save hundreds of dollars per year in heating costs.

Superior Propane has been a LOBA partner supplier for several years and is now the only LOBA partner in the propane group program.

Today, we are announcing that starting this summer, LOBA will be joining a larger cooperative buying group that has been operating in the Huntsville lakes area for about 10 years. This cooperative includes Woodland Heights, Mary Lake, Pen Lake, Fairy Lake, Harp & Walker Lakes, Fox Lake and Lake Vernon Associations.

With the addition of the Lake of Bays Association members we will collectively be the largest residential propane buying group north of Toronto. To our members, we will still be called the Lake of Bays Association Propane Program and Fraser Govan will continue to coordinate our program. Superior Propane will continue to be the sole group supplier. The benefits of this merger to our members include:

  • The lowest group rate pricing in Muskoka (more aggressive discounts than if the LOBA program remained independent).
  • Elimination of annual tank rental fees.
  • No charge SMART remote tank level monitoring, ordering and billing.
  • Reduced fees for 10-year equipment inspections.

To be eligible, households must maintain their annual LOBA membership, and use a minimum of 500 liters of propane per year.

For existing members who are currently enrolled in the program with Superior, your account will be transferred to the new group. Members who are with another supplier and would like to switch should contact Fraser Govan now so that arrangements with Superior can be initiated - email There is no cost for competitive switch-outs providing your installation meets current safety standards and codes. A licensed technician will perform a pre-installation inspection.

For further information send an email request to


We are excited to be joining this larger cooperative and continue to offer the Propane program to our LOBA members.

Thanks for Joining Us at the 2024 AGM

The Lake of Bays Association Annual General Meeting was held on Saturday July 6 with more than 100 members and guests attending. It was a busy meeting that included:

  • Recognition of retiring directors Ian Beverley and Mary Ann Peden.
  • Welcoming new director, Tom Fenton.
  • Presentation of the Betty Day Award for outstanding volunteer work to Mary Ann Peden.
  • Introduction of the new LOBA President, Paul Gleeson; and recognition of Wendy Gibson who now takes on the role of Past President.
  • A riveting presentation about Hazardous Algal Blooms by Dr. Norman Yan - REVIEW his presentation>

Mark Your Calendars

There's Lots Happening Around the Lake

Sneak up on Nature on July 27!

Lake of Bays Heritage Foundation Silent Boat Rally.

Click here for details and how to register

Baysville Walkabout Festival

Come out for the 34th Annual Baysville Walkabout

Saturday July 27

Click here for more details

120th Lake of Bays Regatta

Saturday August 3, 1:00 p.m.

Glenmount Dock, 1111 Glenmount Road

All Ages

Swimming, paddling, tilting and more


Baysville Arts & Crafts Festival

August 10 and 11

70+ Artisans displaying "Made in Canada" handcrafted items

Rain or Shine

Click here for more details

Lake of Bays Heritage

Foundation AGM

Saturday August 17

Baysville Community Centre

Click here for details

Experience the SS Bigwin

Cruise and Dine Series

Tuesdays throughout the summer

Click here for details

From the Township of Lake of Bays:

From the District of Muskoka:

Boating on Lake of Bays

Please continue to exercise caution in the north end of Ten Mile Bay where debris and trees remain in the water after the washout on Highway 35 earlier this year. A Navigational Warning has been issued by the Coast Guard. See it here and zoom in on the map to see the exact location.

Cameron Shostak of Port Cunnington Marina has identified the top 5 riskiest boating spots on Lake of Bays. Read the story here.

Before you head out on the water, take a moment to review LOBA's Safe Boating Brochure and make sure your family, friends and renters are familiar with the rules of safe and courteous boating.

photo by Carl Vorhies

2023 photo contest submission

Through education, advocacy and engagement, our mission is to foster a healthy natural environment, responsible waterfront development, a thriving community, and a Lake of Bays shared respectfully and safely by all.

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